When entering a modern-day classroom, students at every desk have an open tab for AI, each virtual portal beckoning them into a boundless realm of knowledge and possibilities, setting the stage for an...
After recognizing a variety of social issues occuring within the student body, Evan Apanovitch, Traci Holstein, school counselors, and other DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) coordinators formed...
Ella Benfield, Media in the Middle Reporter
• February 14, 2024
After a three-hour flight to Texas and a 17-hour flight to New Zealand, eighth graders Sofia Cano, Chelsea Keenan, Emilia Ramos, Emma Craspe, Mia Repenning and I landed in the South Island of New Zealand...
Alexa Sueiras, Student media adviser
• February 1, 2024
Five PTS seniors were nominated for the annual Silver Knight Awards organized by the Miami Herald and el Nuevo Herald. Receipients of the award in each category will be announced during the 66th annual...